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  • [40] Tutankhamun's death marked the end of the royal bloodline of the 18th Dynasty. [8] Egyptian art of the Amarna period At the beginning of Tutankhaten's reign, the royal court was still located at Amarna, and evidence from his tomb shows that the Aten was still acknowledged. [56] But several pieces of evidence suggest that his court was trying to reconcile Atenism with the traditional religion, [57] [58] [59] and activity at Amarna decreased during the first four years of his reign. [60] These years saw dramatic reversals of Akhenaten's policies, which, given the king's young age, must have been instigated by his advisors. [61] In the third year of Tutankhaten's reign, his name was changed to ”Tutankhamun”, and that of his queen to ”Akhesenamun”. [62] [63] The Restoration Stela, which probably dates to Year 4 of Tutankhamun's reign, characterizes the Amarna Period as a time of disaster, saying ”temples and the estates of the gods and goddesses from Elephantine to the marshes of the Delta had fallen into ruin… If you asked a god for advice, he would not attend; and if one spoke to a goddess likewise she would not attend.” [64] The stela proclaims the rebuilding of the traditional cults; [65] priests and other members of temple staffs were restored to their former positions. [66] Around this time, the royal court abandoned Amarna. Credenciados sky sp.Apesar da insatisfação, uma minoria aproveitou a situação para rir da situação e desdenhar de um possível machismo. Links de serviços e cláusula de desresponsabilização.
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