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I watched the last two seasons after my boyfriend insisted on watching it, and to my own chagrin, became hooked. So, because it's something we can watch and discuss together, I thought it might be fun to focus on it this summer. Perhaps it will be a one time thing, perhaps not, who knows! Anyway, I'm just going to be posting after each eviction episode lest I get too overwhelmed with a show on three days a week. Anyhow! This week was all about starting and stopping alliances, apparently. Mostly because of Audrey, let's be honest. She was in no less than three supposed alliances throughout the course of the week, and continued to annoy those in her biggest alliance by drawing more and more people into it. That may come back to bite her soon enough. Also likely in the cross-hairs soon? Da'Vonne, who had kind of a meltdown over something completely stupid, in my opinion. Nearly everyone voted for Jace to be evicted, except for Audrey, who is likely just stirring up that dramarama. So it's goodbye to Jace, who couldn't get enough of the camera or his ”fans” in the audience upon his exit.

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