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Delegate Description DocumentActionEventHandler Represents a method that can handle the C1PreviewPane.PreviewAction event of a C1PreviewPane. FormsUserActionEventHandler Represents a method that can handle the C1PreviewPane.FormsUserAction event of a C1PreviewPane. HistoryItemAddingEventHandler Represents a method that can handle the C1PreviewPane.HistoryItemAdding event (occurring when a new item is being added to the C1PreviewPane.ViewHistory collection). HyperlinkEventHandler Represents a handler for C1PreviewPane.HyperlinkMouseEnter and C1PreviewPane.HyperlinkMouseLeave events of a C1PreviewPane. HyperlinkJumpEventHandler Represents a handler for C1PreviewPane.HyperlinkJump event of a C1PreviewPane. HyperlinkMouseEventHandler Represents a handler for C1PreviewPane.HyperlinkMouseMove, C1PreviewPane.HyperlinkMouseDown and C1PreviewPane.HyperlinkMouseUp events of a C1PreviewPane.

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