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“Winning four straight titles is remarkable for our school’s population size,” said Coach Scott. “We talked about those championships once, at our first practice. From here on, our next big match will be the next one on the schedule, whoever it is. This is a new team playing in a new league against new opponents.” Coach Scott is indeed a tennis parent. His daughter Victoria is one of two senior co-captains, the other being Kelly Klaren. The two talked about the captains’ role. “Our job is to make sure the girls stay focused. We can help them stay positive and enjoy the game,” said Victoria. The co-captains’ enthusiasm was evident as Victoria led the team through their stretches. “Let’s get those ligaments moving,” she called out cheerfully. Moments later, the group called encouragement to an injured teammate on the sideline: “We love you!” There were good vibes all around. Ultimately, that starting lineup would bear the look of experience. Bet656.Amdouni dispara pelo meio e tenta invadir a área, mas o volante espanhol chega fazendo o corte. Kovacic entra em campo no lugar de Kevin De Bruyne.
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