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    This article will teach you what is integral to an exponential function e^x. You will also understand how to compute e^x integral by using different integration techniques. The formula of the integral of e^-x contains the integral sign, coefficient of integration, and the function as e^-x. It is denoted by ∫(e^-x)dx. In mathematical form, the integral of e^x is: Integration by parts Definite integral. Since we know that the integration is the reverse of the derivative. Therefore, we can calculate the integral of e^-x by using its derivative. Ingreso jogo gratis sorte online mínimo $10. Where c is a constant, known as the integration constant. Since we know that the function e^-x can be written as the product of two functions. Therefore, we can integrate it by using integration by parts. For this, suppose that: Integral of e^(-x) by using definite integral.

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