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The intensity with which the pro-participation arguments were articulated by the local press and population provided the basis for official representations to be made by the various governors to the British government. Although the British officials were not keen on having blacks serve on the Western Front, the extent of the West Indian agitation, and devastating losses suffered by the Allies, eventually forced the British government to approve the formation of West Indian contingents and their service overseas. By the beginning of October 1915, negotiations relating to the financing of a West Indian contingent and its pay were completed and recruiting began in earnest. With a few minor exceptions it was agreed that the West Indians would be recruited on the same terms and conditions as British recruits. Wounded soldiers, about to entrain © In the West Indies - as throughout most of the empire, with the exception of some areas of West Africa where coercion was used - the local officials and other recruiting bodies tended to employ moral persuasion in order to attract volunteers as well as the typical 'carrot and stick' measures - medals, glory, discipline, exercise and free land at the cessation of hostilities. .

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