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Legislation related to the topic was searched on public databases, such as the website of the Planalto Palace (Brazilian Federal government headquarters), the website of the Culture and Education Ministry ( Ministério de Educação e Cultura - MEC) the website of the National Education Council from Federal Government. Brazilian laws, ordinances and guidelines regarding special education of individuals with autism, intellectual disability, hearing impairment and dyslexia were consulted, since the descriptor ”Communication Disorders” did not show any results. twenty-one (21) identified norms met the inclusion criteria. Among these, thirteen (13) address disabilities in a generalized manner. The other eight (8) regulations are specific in relation to autism, intellectual disability, hearing impairment and dyslexia. despite the significant number of norms, the current Brazilian legislation does not allow for real school inclusion. Individuals with communication disorders do not have a specific legislation that could guide the peculiarities of each disorder, as well as their special educational needs. Taxa de alteração de registro de imóveis.

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